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How to make Double Chocolate Flapjacks

You will need:

300g Oats

150g Butter

150g Brown Sugar

3 tbsp golden syrup

100g Chocolate Chips

100g Milk Chocolate


  1. In a bowl, mix together your oats and chocolate chips until well combined.

  2. Then in a saucepan over a low heat, melt your butter, sugar and golden syrup together until well combined.

  3. Add the wet ingredients to your dry ingredients and mix well. If you add the wet ingrediants while hot it will melt the chocolate chips, if you prefer allow the wet ingredients to cool then add to the dry.

  4. Then in a pre-lined tin (I used a 18cm by 18cm), put your mixture in and press down with the back of your spoon.

  5. Then bake in a pre-heated oven at Gas Mark 5, 190C or 170C fan assisted for 30 to 35 mins, until Golden.

  6. Allow to cool, then melt the milk chocolate in a microwaveable bowl in the microwave for 20 secs at a time until melted. Then top the flapjacks with melted chocolate, smoothing it out as much as possible. Pop in the fridge for an hour to set.

  7. Then once set, chop into the size pieces you want.

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