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How to make Flapjack: Chocolate

You will need:

200g Oats

100g Butter

100g Brown Sugar

2 tbsp golden syrup

50g milk chocolate


1. Firstly in a saucepan over a low heat, melt your butter, sugar and golden syrup together until well combined.

2. Then add your oats and mix well.

3. Then in a pre-lined tin (I used a 9inch by 5inch), put your mixture in and press down with the back of your spoon.

4. Then bake in a pre-heated oven at Gas Mark 5, 190C or 170C fan assisted for 15-20 mins. Until Golden.

5. Then once cooled, melt your chocolate (either in a bain marie or in the mircowave using 30 secs at a time until melted). Then simply spread the chocolate on top of your flapjack and allow to set. Then chop into the size pieces you want.

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