You will need:
For the Pastry:
200g Plain Flour
130g Butter
1 Egg
1 tbsp Water
For the filling:
100g Jam
115g Butter/Margarine
115g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1.5tbsp Self raising flour
100g Ground Almonds
For the topping:
175g Icing Sugar
25g Flaked Almonds
1.5tbsp water
Firstly, for the pastry, in a bowl mix together your flour and your butter with the tips of your fingers until it resembles breadcrumbs.
The add the egg and mix together, add a half a teaspoon of water as required until it comes together.
Then pop your pastry in the fridge for about an hour.
The on a pre-floured surface, roll out your pastry until half a cm thick.
Flour a muffin tray, then using a cookie cutter larger than the muffin tray, cut out the pastry and line each hole. Line each pastry case with foil then add either baking beans or uncooked rice and blind bake at Gas 5, 190C, 170 Fan for 10 mins.
Then remove the beans/rice and foil and bake again for a further 5 mins.
For the filling, cream together the butter and sugar in a bowl until well combined.
Then add the egg and mix well. Then add the self raising flour and ground almond and mix.
Then to the pastry cases, add a teaspoon of jam to the bottom then spoon the filling on top.
Bake in the oven still at Gas 5, 190C, 170 Fan for 20 mins. Then allow to cool.
For the topping, mix together the icing sugar and water until it forms a paste.
Then spread the icing over the top of each tart and add the almond flakes to the top.