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How to make Summer Fruits Pudding

You will need:

750g Mixed Summer Fruits (I used 230g of Raspberries, 400g Blackcurrants and 120g Strawberries)

120g Caster Sugar

7-8 Slices of Bread

2 tbsp Orange juice (or water)


  1. Firstly in a saucepan, over a medium heat, put in your sugar, Orange juice and any fruit (but not strawberries) and cook for 3-5 minutes or until the juice is released from the berries.

  2. The take off the heat, and add your strawberries and give a good stir.

  3. Then using a sieve, separate the juice from the fruit.

  4. Then line a separate bowl with clingfilm. Cut the crusts off the bread, and cut bread either into triangles or rectangles and dip into the fruit juice. Then line the clingfilmed bowl.

  5. Once the bowl has been lined then add the fruit in the middle. The top with more soaked bread pieces. Then pour any remaining fruit juice on top.

  6. Pop a plate on top and put weights on (I used tins of fruit) then put in the fridge for a least 6 hours or ideally overnight.

  7. Turn out onto a plate and enjoy

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